Configuration | Labels
All text / labels in the PDF viewer can be changed in order to help localise the PDF experience. This can be done when configuring Mud PDF
builder.Services.AddMudBlazorPdfViewer(opt =>
opt.Labels.PrintDocument = "Imprimir Documento";
All labels and their defaults are listed below
public string ToggleThumbnails { get; set; } = "Show Thumbnails";
public string PreviousPage { get; set; } = "Previous Page";
public string NextPage { get; set; } = "Next Page";
public string PageOf { get; set; } = "of";
public string ZoomIn { get; set; } = "Zoom In";
public string ZoomOut { get; set; } = "Zoom Out";
public string OpenMenu { get; set; } = "Menu";
public string RotateClockwise { get; set; } = "Rotate Clockwise";
public string RotateCounterclockwise { get; set; } = "Rotate Counterclockwise";
public string SwitchOrientation { get; set; } = "Switch Orientation";
public string FirstPage { get; set; } = "First Page";
public string LastPage { get; set; } = "Last Page";
public string ResetZoom { get; set; } = "Reset Zoom";
public string PrintDocument { get; set; } = "Print Document";